Yeni Cüce
- Katılım
- 2 Ocak 2019
- Mesajlar
- 15
Server Information (EN/TR)
48 Hours Beta Annoucnement (8th -> 10th of January)
Resmi açılışta oyuna giriş problemlerini görebilmek amacıyla server 2 gün boyunca açık kalacak ( 08/01/2025 06:00PM GMT+1 tarihinden 10/01/2025 06:00PM GMT+1 tarihine kadar), burada oluşturduğunuz hesaplar server açılışında silinecek (resmi açılışta tekrar hesap oluşturmak zorundasınız).
1. Yeni clienti indirmek zorundasınız (eskisi çalışmayacak), client beta başlamadan önce sitemizde paylaşılacak:
2. Clientinizin ve KnightOnline.exe'nin virus programı tarafından silinmesine karşı client klasörünüzü dışlamalara ekleyiniz, windows defender yapılışı:
3. Beta açıldığında site üzerinden hesap oluşturmak zorundasınız.
4. Eğer oyuna girişte sorun yaşarsanız support bölümüne konu açın, yardım etmek için elimizden geleni yapacağız: viewforum.php?f=5
Not: Yarından itibaren site üzerinden kayıt olabilir ve clienti indirebilirsiniz, zaman hakkında açıklama yapacağız.
Herkesi oyunda görmek için sabırsızlanıyorum, eğlence için clanını ve arkadaşlarını çağırmayı unutma
Dear Knights,
Our server will opened for everyone in order to to fix any loging in issues that you might encounter in the official launch date, all accounts that will be created during this 48 hours (from 08/01/2025 06:00PM GMT+1 until 10/01/2025 06:00PM GMT+1) will be wiped (you will have to make another account once the official is announced).
How to get into the server properly:
1. you will have to download the new client (the old client will not work), this client will be shared once beta is open via the download page in our website:
2. Create a folder in your computer for KO and add an exception to that folder to prevent the false positive detection( you can google what a false positive is) that may cause deleting your KnightOnline.exe, here is a tutorial on how to do it if you have windows defender :
3. you will have to register an account via our website once the beta is open.
4. if you are enountring any issues loging in please open a support ticket in the forum we will do our best to assisst you : viewforum.php?f=5
P.S: Client LINK will be added and registration will be opened tomorrow and we will announce it once done + update this topic.
Can't wait to see you all ingame, get your friends and clannies ready for some great fun
Play Fair & Have Fun.
Dear Knights,
All you need to know about our basic setup is below:
1. Level Cap:
Level caps will be gradually increased: 62 -> 65 -> 72
2. Master & Skill quests:
Master quest: you can make this quest the classical way by visiting the NPC that corresponds to your class.
lvl62 quest: Here you have the choice between buying the scrolls from Valtor NPC at moradon, or doing the quest:
> you need to visit the same NPC where you did your master and get the lvl62 quest for which you will need to farm 7x Certificate of Victory (they drop at orc bandit Warrior/Sorcerer/Archer in CZ).
lvl70 & 72: skills are unlocked automatically.
3. Experience:
Now you can choose how to do your own EXP, either by quest method (check guide section for the detailed post), Or by the classical way (killing your favorit mobs), the EXP method must be slightly faster for a solo player, as the classical way should be faster for a group EXP, here is the list of mobs that got some good exp per map:
worm Moradon
blood worm Moradon
Bandicot Moradon
Bulcan Moradon
Wild Bulcan Moradon
werewolf Moradon
orc watcher Moradon
kekoon Moradon
kekoon warrior Moradon
Lycan Moradon
Bulture Moradon
Spoiler EMC
Dark Eyes EMC
Stegodon EMC
Scorpion EMC
Rotten eye EMC
undying EMC
skeleton EMC
Skeleton knight EMC
Burning skeleton EMC
ASh knight EMC
Lard Orc EMC
Troll EMC
Troll warrior EMC
Deruvish EMC
Apostle EMC
Centaur EMC
Harpy EMC
Troll Berserker ESLANT
troll captain ESLANT
dark mare ESLANT
raven harpy ESLANT
Beast CZ
Blood Seeker CZ
dark mare CZ
Apostle CZ
Deruvish CZ
troll CZ
Troll warrior CZ
harpy CZ
stone golem CZ
4. Premium:
Every new account will receive 3x days of Gold Premium.
There are 2x ways of getting premium in the game, either by vote point which will grant you 12 days of premium, or via Power-up-store for a 30 day pack:
Gold Premium details:
EXP Bonus 200%
EXP Restore 80%
COIN Bonus 20%
DROP bonus 20% (over the initial drop rate, for exemple: if drop rate of an item 10% with premium it will be 12% not 30%)
NATIONAL POINT Increase 7np/Kill
REPAIR Discrount 50%
SELLING Items bonus 30% (only to npc)
5. Upgrade:
For the beginning, max upgrade for weapons/armors will be +7 and for accessories it will be +0. Upgrades to +8 (for weapons/armors) and +1 (for accessories) will be made available later on once the server is balanced enough for such upgrade.
BUS (High class)
+1 -> +2: 100%
+2 -> +3: 96%
+3 -> +4: 90%
+4 -> +5: 68%
+5 -> +6: 45%
+6 -> +7: 13%
+7 -> +8: 3%
BUS (high class) + TRINA
+1 -> +2: 100%
+2 -> +3: 100%
+3 -> +4: 100%
+4 -> +5: 90%
+5 -> +6: 57%
+6 -> +7: 20%
+7 -> +8: 9%
BUS (Normal)
+1 -> +2: 98%
+2 -> +3: 78%
+3 -> +4: 60%
+4 -> +5: 30%
+5 -> +6: 0%
+6 -> +7: 0%
+7 -> +8: 0%
BUS (Normal) + TRINA
+1 -> +2: 98%
+2 -> +3: 82%
+3 -> +4: 70%
+4 -> +5: 52%
+5 -> +6: 0%
+6 -> +7: 0%
+7 -> +8: 0%
Unique Accessories:
+0 -> +1 : 30%
Abyss accessories:
+9 -> +10: 100%
+10 -> +11: 50%
+11 -> +12: 30%
These rates may change according to the server's economical situation.
6. Drops:
Eslant and CZ bosses are on a random re-spawn timer to prevent campers.
All quest items have a 100% drop rate from bosses (Lupus, Lobo, Lycaon, OBL, Tail of lesath, Tail of Shaula, Kekuri ring) Only for the first few days/weeks then we will revert to the normal drop rate.
Iron Neck + Iron Belt + Glass Belt + Skeleton Belt + Chitin Shield were all deleted from the drops and will be added back when the server is ready for them.
Main armor drops:
For the first few weeks there will be no Chitin Shell in the game, this armor will be added gradualy to the game in order to prevent players power gap.
Item drop rate is better in Colony Zone compared to other zones, the drops get better in this order (Moradon -> EMC/Luferson -> Eslant -> Colony Zone)
You can always check our dynamic drop rate page where you can search by item or monster name:
7. Events:
Forgotten temple
Border Defense War
Chaos Match
Lunar War
PK Quests [Some will be released at the start, more for later]
Juraid Mountain [will be made available once the max level cap is released]
Castle Siege War [will be made available once there are enough strong Clans]
Last Nation Standing [will be made available later]
Clan War [will be made available later]
Catch The Flag Event [will be made available later]
Ship War [will be made available later]
P.S: Everything from the above information might change in the future based on the best interest of our community and to ensure a long life for our server.
Best Regards.
Dear Knights,
Our Community Server will be opening on the 11th of January 2025 at 09:00 PM (GMT+1), We welcome all of you to join us for some fun among new & old MYKO players, our server is a dynamic environment where everyone can speak out his mind and have his footprint during our server's journey.
More details will be shared soon so keep an eye here and in our website/forums: ZONE MYKO
Play Fair & Have Fun.
72 lvl CAP HYBRID MYKO (19XX gaming engine | MYKO GAMEPLAY)
Dear Knights,
We are glad to announce that we going to launch the server officially on the 11th of January 2025 at 9PM:00 (GMT+1).
Huge amount of work has been done and more is yet to be accomplished but we are very confident that it will be a smooth and nice environment for players to play in, the server will be a FARM /PK SERVER aiming for a long lasting experience, Level CAP/Items will be released gradually, DROP/UPGRADE rates will be dynamically changing based on the age of the server and the economical situation, updates will be pushed on a regular pace and finally GMs will always be here to assisst and improve the game, we have rebuilt the whole server from scratch with a better game engine & database (which explains the long rebuilding time), the game play will be improved along with the security.
Thanks to everyone that have made this community server what it is today, we are very delighted to see you all soon in game.
Play Fair & Have Fun.
48 Hours Beta Annoucnement (8th -> 10th of January)
Resmi açılışta oyuna giriş problemlerini görebilmek amacıyla server 2 gün boyunca açık kalacak ( 08/01/2025 06:00PM GMT+1 tarihinden 10/01/2025 06:00PM GMT+1 tarihine kadar), burada oluşturduğunuz hesaplar server açılışında silinecek (resmi açılışta tekrar hesap oluşturmak zorundasınız).
1. Yeni clienti indirmek zorundasınız (eskisi çalışmayacak), client beta başlamadan önce sitemizde paylaşılacak:
2. Clientinizin ve KnightOnline.exe'nin virus programı tarafından silinmesine karşı client klasörünüzü dışlamalara ekleyiniz, windows defender yapılışı:
3. Beta açıldığında site üzerinden hesap oluşturmak zorundasınız.
4. Eğer oyuna girişte sorun yaşarsanız support bölümüne konu açın, yardım etmek için elimizden geleni yapacağız: viewforum.php?f=5
Not: Yarından itibaren site üzerinden kayıt olabilir ve clienti indirebilirsiniz, zaman hakkında açıklama yapacağız.
Herkesi oyunda görmek için sabırsızlanıyorum, eğlence için clanını ve arkadaşlarını çağırmayı unutma
Dear Knights,
Our server will opened for everyone in order to to fix any loging in issues that you might encounter in the official launch date, all accounts that will be created during this 48 hours (from 08/01/2025 06:00PM GMT+1 until 10/01/2025 06:00PM GMT+1) will be wiped (you will have to make another account once the official is announced).
How to get into the server properly:
1. you will have to download the new client (the old client will not work), this client will be shared once beta is open via the download page in our website:
2. Create a folder in your computer for KO and add an exception to that folder to prevent the false positive detection( you can google what a false positive is) that may cause deleting your KnightOnline.exe, here is a tutorial on how to do it if you have windows defender :
3. you will have to register an account via our website once the beta is open.
4. if you are enountring any issues loging in please open a support ticket in the forum we will do our best to assisst you : viewforum.php?f=5
P.S: Client LINK will be added and registration will be opened tomorrow and we will announce it once done + update this topic.
Can't wait to see you all ingame, get your friends and clannies ready for some great fun

Play Fair & Have Fun.

Dear Knights,
All you need to know about our basic setup is below:
1. Level Cap:
Level caps will be gradually increased: 62 -> 65 -> 72
2. Master & Skill quests:
Master quest: you can make this quest the classical way by visiting the NPC that corresponds to your class.
lvl62 quest: Here you have the choice between buying the scrolls from Valtor NPC at moradon, or doing the quest:
> you need to visit the same NPC where you did your master and get the lvl62 quest for which you will need to farm 7x Certificate of Victory (they drop at orc bandit Warrior/Sorcerer/Archer in CZ).
lvl70 & 72: skills are unlocked automatically.
3. Experience:
Now you can choose how to do your own EXP, either by quest method (check guide section for the detailed post), Or by the classical way (killing your favorit mobs), the EXP method must be slightly faster for a solo player, as the classical way should be faster for a group EXP, here is the list of mobs that got some good exp per map:
worm Moradon
blood worm Moradon
Bandicot Moradon
Bulcan Moradon
Wild Bulcan Moradon
werewolf Moradon
orc watcher Moradon
kekoon Moradon
kekoon warrior Moradon
Lycan Moradon
Bulture Moradon
Spoiler EMC
Dark Eyes EMC
Stegodon EMC
Scorpion EMC
Rotten eye EMC
undying EMC
skeleton EMC
Skeleton knight EMC
Burning skeleton EMC
ASh knight EMC
Lard Orc EMC
Troll EMC
Troll warrior EMC
Deruvish EMC
Apostle EMC
Centaur EMC
Harpy EMC
Troll Berserker ESLANT
troll captain ESLANT
dark mare ESLANT
raven harpy ESLANT
Beast CZ
Blood Seeker CZ
dark mare CZ
Apostle CZ
Deruvish CZ
troll CZ
Troll warrior CZ
harpy CZ
stone golem CZ
4. Premium:
Every new account will receive 3x days of Gold Premium.
There are 2x ways of getting premium in the game, either by vote point which will grant you 12 days of premium, or via Power-up-store for a 30 day pack:
Gold Premium details:
EXP Bonus 200%
EXP Restore 80%
COIN Bonus 20%
DROP bonus 20% (over the initial drop rate, for exemple: if drop rate of an item 10% with premium it will be 12% not 30%)
NATIONAL POINT Increase 7np/Kill
REPAIR Discrount 50%
SELLING Items bonus 30% (only to npc)
5. Upgrade:
For the beginning, max upgrade for weapons/armors will be +7 and for accessories it will be +0. Upgrades to +8 (for weapons/armors) and +1 (for accessories) will be made available later on once the server is balanced enough for such upgrade.
BUS (High class)
+1 -> +2: 100%
+2 -> +3: 96%
+3 -> +4: 90%
+4 -> +5: 68%
+5 -> +6: 45%
+6 -> +7: 13%
+7 -> +8: 3%
BUS (high class) + TRINA
+1 -> +2: 100%
+2 -> +3: 100%
+3 -> +4: 100%
+4 -> +5: 90%
+5 -> +6: 57%
+6 -> +7: 20%
+7 -> +8: 9%
BUS (Normal)
+1 -> +2: 98%
+2 -> +3: 78%
+3 -> +4: 60%
+4 -> +5: 30%
+5 -> +6: 0%
+6 -> +7: 0%
+7 -> +8: 0%
BUS (Normal) + TRINA
+1 -> +2: 98%
+2 -> +3: 82%
+3 -> +4: 70%
+4 -> +5: 52%
+5 -> +6: 0%
+6 -> +7: 0%
+7 -> +8: 0%
Unique Accessories:
+0 -> +1 : 30%
Abyss accessories:
+9 -> +10: 100%
+10 -> +11: 50%
+11 -> +12: 30%
These rates may change according to the server's economical situation.
6. Drops:
Eslant and CZ bosses are on a random re-spawn timer to prevent campers.
All quest items have a 100% drop rate from bosses (Lupus, Lobo, Lycaon, OBL, Tail of lesath, Tail of Shaula, Kekuri ring) Only for the first few days/weeks then we will revert to the normal drop rate.
Iron Neck + Iron Belt + Glass Belt + Skeleton Belt + Chitin Shield were all deleted from the drops and will be added back when the server is ready for them.
Main armor drops:
For the first few weeks there will be no Chitin Shell in the game, this armor will be added gradualy to the game in order to prevent players power gap.
Item drop rate is better in Colony Zone compared to other zones, the drops get better in this order (Moradon -> EMC/Luferson -> Eslant -> Colony Zone)
You can always check our dynamic drop rate page where you can search by item or monster name:
7. Events:
Forgotten temple
Border Defense War
Chaos Match
Lunar War
PK Quests [Some will be released at the start, more for later]
Juraid Mountain [will be made available once the max level cap is released]
Castle Siege War [will be made available once there are enough strong Clans]
Last Nation Standing [will be made available later]
Clan War [will be made available later]
Catch The Flag Event [will be made available later]
Ship War [will be made available later]
P.S: Everything from the above information might change in the future based on the best interest of our community and to ensure a long life for our server.
Best Regards.
Dear Knights,
Our Community Server will be opening on the 11th of January 2025 at 09:00 PM (GMT+1), We welcome all of you to join us for some fun among new & old MYKO players, our server is a dynamic environment where everyone can speak out his mind and have his footprint during our server's journey.
More details will be shared soon so keep an eye here and in our website/forums: ZONE MYKO
Play Fair & Have Fun.
72 lvl CAP HYBRID MYKO (19XX gaming engine | MYKO GAMEPLAY)
Dear Knights,
We are glad to announce that we going to launch the server officially on the 11th of January 2025 at 9PM:00 (GMT+1).
Huge amount of work has been done and more is yet to be accomplished but we are very confident that it will be a smooth and nice environment for players to play in, the server will be a FARM /PK SERVER aiming for a long lasting experience, Level CAP/Items will be released gradually, DROP/UPGRADE rates will be dynamically changing based on the age of the server and the economical situation, updates will be pushed on a regular pace and finally GMs will always be here to assisst and improve the game, we have rebuilt the whole server from scratch with a better game engine & database (which explains the long rebuilding time), the game play will be improved along with the security.
Thanks to everyone that have made this community server what it is today, we are very delighted to see you all soon in game.
Play Fair & Have Fun.